Spinal cord injury has been a major disorder among all age groups. The world health organization puts forward data of around half a million people being affected with the injury in a span of 12 months. The reasons are varied with often road accidents and crashes is a major influencer.
The impact of Spinal Cord injury often manipulates with rates such as low school enrollments and participation in economic deals.
Nanotechnology for spinal cord injury offers a wide definition of scientific analysis on the treatment of adverse spinal cord injuries.
Nanobiotechnology, a complex term?
The term originates and functions as applications of small things, and the method is used to put them for the betterment in global scientific processes. Mostly abundant in the field of Biology, they are mostly referred to as Nanobiotechnological pieces of equipment.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of tiny things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.
The starting point!
The concept and idea behind this started with Physicist Richard Feynman who introduced the idea at a talk show meeting. The meet was held at the California Institute of Technology and made an impact of the process thereafter.
Further, he described the process being able to manipulate, and even take in control some of atoms and molecules. Moreover, the development went ahead and through proper scanning of microscopes, researchers were able to differentiate and modify individual atoms, and coined the term of nanotechnology.
Spinal Injuries and Nanobiotechnology
In the recent process of biological improvement, certain efforts are being made to induce the technology in reviving the organs as such. Heart, liver, kidneys and so on can be tackled along with complete surgery. These organs have regenerative tissues, which with the help of biological methods can progress much faster.
The process of ENVISION farther targets the paralyzed parts of the spinal cords. This can help on the rehabilitation of Parkinson and even Alzheimer’s, as per recent researches. With an introduction of the nanotechnology, specialists claim that adverse symptoms of neurological problems can be completely cured.
Current method standards are large in awakening the brain-machine interfaces. There are various cables which can link the brain activities of the patient to that of a computer. This can help in linking the patient and a computer, limiting many motor related functions. The additional processes include that of brain mapping activity, which requires large machinery working well in low-temperature operation conditions.
The future of Nanotechnology involves the coated electrodes which can perform neural interface being coupled with sensors. These can be used in conjunction with nanomaterials. One such example is that of carbon nanotubes, which acts as a supportive framework in the function of nerve cells, further enabling them to pass over the injury-prone area of the spinal cord. This further engraves an active bypass. With the advent of technology, nanotubes can act as neuronal prosthetics, promoting the process of neuroplasticity. Every such process can lead to the neurological activity of the damaged spinal cord.
Heart’s issue with the spinal cord!
As astonishing as it may sound too, the spinal cord injury does affect the heart. Current research points out that it is possible that both can be correlated.
How does this happen?
The heart goes on to change a lot just after a spinal cord injury and is dependent on how severe the injury is. Besides, after an injury has taken place, there is limited sparing of nerve fibers, this, in turn, is also minimal for the heart to function a profound level.
The research conducted does have a clinical significance to portray. The primary motive of the spinal cord injury management is to further reduce the damage which can happen during the initial days. The worsening of the injury is carried forward and can result in severe nerve damage fibers. The findings of the reports suggest that if there is a preserve of nerve fibers followed by an injury, there can be an improvement in the heart functions.This process is therefore much important in preventing any issues of heart with people who are diagnosed with spinal cord injuries.
International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology in Health Care
The conference named Nanomedicinemeet 2023 focuses on the aspects of Nanotechnology in the medical department. The conference centers solely on various updated news in fields such as Nanotechnology and Engineering, Medical Nanotechnology, Tissue Engineering and so on.
It is an exclusive platform preoccupied with the various industry speakers and researchers, who interact with a broader audience. The topics covered are to showcase new researches of Nanotechnology, Material science, and various other topics.