Free yourself from the needle: Biotech for diabetes

Even though the world is plagued with emerging diseases, there are a number of illnesses that have been known for quite a while, and yet, their contribution to the death toll is higher than their peers. The field of medicine is still struggling to provide a cure to these. One such disease is diabetes.

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Neuroscience: The key to understanding mental health

It is mental health awareness month. And understanding mental health is now more important than ever before. Growing geriatric cases was a trend of the past. Mental health disorders have been affecting a broader spectrum of the population.

Neuroscience today

A medical microbiologist’s perspective on the current-day proteomics

Microorganisms, the tiny living creatures, that dwell in every niche, occupying an area greater than us behemoths, are highly valuable. An appreciable proportion of our body weight results from our direct association with them. Their mere presence is capable of preventing a number of diseases and an alteration in their proportions may cause an illness.

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Robot-assisted packaging for better hygiene and safety

About one-tenth of the food-sector jobs in the US are expected to be replaced with automation tools and software by 2025. Food and beverage conferences 2018 say that the labor-intensive environment of this industry will soon be transformed with higher levels of automation.

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Generating the regeneration process of stem cell

As unique as the word suggest, stem cells are predominantly termed as a certain class of uniform cells which have the characteristics of being differently able into specialized cell types. Mostly stem cells are described as stable at the natural level and separate (through mitosis) to create numerous similar cells. Although, most warm-blooded have two different types of stem cells they can also be found in multicellular living bions. 

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